Defining the future of Solo Female Travel
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Solo Female Travel is a growing trend and a booming travel market and by the looks of things, solo female travel, is a travel trend that is here to stay.
At Travel with Abeona we’re deeply in love with solo travel – being able to venture out and explore the world in our own time and at our own pace – and have been for a very long time. Badass female travellers and explorers are a part of our history.
Yet, despite so many influential news providers Guardian, and publishers British Vogue, talking about solo female travel, as the next big thing, the truth is women have been journeying alone for a very long time.
The concept and drive to venture out alone is not entirely new.
15 Years of growth
What is fascinating about the trend is the huge increase in uptake over the last 15 years but with an intensifying increase since we emerged from the ashes of the Covid pandemic. Being able to travel independently without having to wait for a friend, partner or family member to be free or share the desire to explore and travel is one of the top reasons listed for solo female travel.
Bolstered by tech and digital, we now have so many resources at our fingertips enabling us to pursue, explore and feed our dreams so we plan our next trip. We have a range of guides and articles we can draw upon as solo female travellers such as Time Out’s best destinations for solo female travellers and how to stay safe.
Stories are evolving, with more and more articles not just providing us with glorious stats about how solo female travel is booming but seeking out authentic accounts of what solo travel means to individuals and publishing first hand accounts of solo travel and what is unique about the experience to them.
We’re hearing marvellous tales from young women to Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation who came before them.

Solo female independence
Female independence has also played a huge role in the seismic shift of travel habits. The concept is gradually becoming more and more de rigeur. Less eyebrows are raised when one announces a solo trip – it seems solo travel and female solo travel is slowly becoming a more acceptable part of everyday life – for some of us at least.
Sadly some women still have to fiercely fight for their right to independence and the battle has not yet quite been won. Preconceptions around solo female travel still abound. My hope for the next generation of women is that solo female travel will no longer be something odd or weird, but simply seen as truly wonderful.
Future thinking
As we look ahead at the future for solo female travel, personally I would like to see the lens now focus on how as travel providers we can make these female travel experiences richer, safer and more attuned to a market’s unique needs.
For providers to really start listening, understanding and most importantly hearing and responding to what truly makes an outstanding solo female travel experience.
Forge niche markets within the female solo travel market for each unique demographic and budget and zest for adventure.
If you would like to book a solo female travel trip, drop our team of luxury travel planning experts an email abeona@travelwithabeona.com and we’ll be in touch to hear all about your trip so you can stop dreaming and start planning.
Written by:
Clare Westwood, Founder of Travel with Abeona, Luxury Travel Expert – empowering women to become fearless global explorers.
Travel with Abeona is a luxury travel planning service dedicated exclusively to supporting female travellers wishing to journey alone but without compromising on style.
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Our exclusive ”Abeona - By your side” concierge service not only takes care of every detail of your trip, from when you close your front door to when you return, but ensures you have a truly marvellous experience, liberated from discomfort and anxiety as a lone female.
Stop dreaming, start planning.